
Stop Racist Attacks on Palestinian Faculty, Students & Their Allies

As part of a well-funded, well-organized backlash network, David Horowitz just launched a vicious, racist attack on 10 U.S. University campuses. Specifically, at San Francisco State University, Horowitz wants to undermine a new partnership between SFSU and a Palestinian University. Sign this petition to demand institutional support for this critical partnership.        David Horowitz, founder Stop Racist Attacks on Palestinian Faculty, Students & Their Allies

A Day of Mourning, Commemoration and Continued Resistance (English and Spanish)

  IJAN Statement Against Columbus Day October 10 2016 (en Español abajo) Today is the day the United States officially commemorates Christopher Columbus, who in 1492 launched Europe’s brutal expansion. As a group committed to the global struggle against racism and colonialism, we join our voices with the long legacy of indigenous struggles against those A Day of Mourning, Commemoration and Continued Resistance (English and Spanish)

Statement on UC Berkeley’s Suspension of Student-Led Palestine Course

IJAN is a member organization of the Campus Defense Coalition for Palestine, a network of organizations that offers information, support, and resources for faculty and instructors under attack for Palestine solidarity activism and BDS organizing on campus. As part of this network, we helped draft a statement to respond to UC Berkeley’s decision to suspend a student-led Statement on UC Berkeley’s Suspension of Student-Led Palestine Course

Stop the JNF Rally NYC – 09/18/16

Let the JNF know,  they are NOT WELCOME in NYC!  Join us for a rally on Sunday, September 18 at their National Conference in NYC or spread the word to those in the area Join the Stop the JNF campaign and its partners, the US Palestinian Community Network, American Muslims for Palestine, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Stop the JNF Rally NYC – 09/18/16

IJAN Statement of Support for Sioux Struggle against Dakota Pipeline

The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network has watched the Native American protests against the Dakota Access pipeline’s destruction of their burial grounds at Standing Rock with hope and horror. We are inspired by women, children, youth, and men chaining themselves to construction machinery and standing ground to defend their land and history.  We are grateful for IJAN Statement of Support for Sioux Struggle against Dakota Pipeline

IJAN Statement on the Movement For Black Lives Political Platform

The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network strongly embraces the entire Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) platform, and we affirm its support for the Palestinian struggle and efforts to Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel. In the United States and internationally, racism has been central to how power works and money flows. Both the Palestinian anti-racist struggle against IJAN Statement on the Movement For Black Lives Political Platform

IJAN Statement on Orlando Attack

Our hearts go out to the victims of the attack at Pulse Club’s Latinx night in Orlando and their loved ones. We send our condolences to their loved ones, and our solidarity to the wider Orlando and LGBTQ community as we all grieve these lost lives. This attack is a reminder of the violence and IJAN Statement on Orlando Attack