
WOMEN’S MARCH PETITION: Palestinian liberation is central to a liberatory, intersectional feminist movement

Click Here to Sign the Change.Org Petition Petition Language: “Accusations of antisemitism, which have been leveled at the National Women’s March since its beginning in 2017, are now fracturing the movement. As anti-racist Jewish women and queer, transgender, and gender non-conforming people who have participated in Women’s March activities, we’re deeply concerned about allowing a WOMEN’S MARCH PETITION: Palestinian liberation is central to a liberatory, intersectional feminist movement

IJAN’s Response to the New Israeli Law Legalizing Apartheid

  We write to respond to a new declaration of legal apartheid and to current actions of legalized state violence. As Jews in support of Palestinian self-determination, we respond to these events without surprise, but with indignation, and with renewed commitment to struggle in solidarity with Palestinian people. Last week, following President Donald Trump’s move IJAN’s Response to the New Israeli Law Legalizing Apartheid

As Hunger Strike Enters Fourth Week, IJAN Re-Affirms Our Solidarity

As the hunger strike of 1500 Palestinian prisoners for “Freedom and Dignity” enters its fourth week, the International Jewish anti-Zionist Network affirms its admiration for and solidarity with the hunger strikers The moment is becoming critical in every sense. The Israeli colonial regime is reportedly preparing to import foreign doctors to force-feed prisoners, and prisoners As Hunger Strike Enters Fourth Week, IJAN Re-Affirms Our Solidarity

Never Again for Anyone (JUNTS, IJAN and IDHC Joint Statement)

The Catalan Association of Jews and Palestinians (JUNTS), the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) and the Human Rights Institute of Catalonia together welcome the declaration of Barcelona City Council on 19th April in defence of respect for human rights and international law for the Palestinian population, with the support of the political groups Barcelona en Never Again for Anyone (JUNTS, IJAN and IDHC Joint Statement)

Nunca Más Para Nadie

Desde JUNTS- Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins, IJAN- Red Judía Antisionista Internacional -, y el Instituto de Derechos Humanos de Cataluña, celebramos la Resolución en Defensa del Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH) y de los Derechos Humanos (DDHH) del pueblo palestino, aprobada con los apoyos de BEC, ERC, PSC y la CUP, más la abstención Nunca Más Para Nadie

Statement of Solidarity for Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike

The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network salutes the 1500 prisoners on collective hunger strike in the Israeli regime’s colonial prisons – the largest such action in half a decade. The strike demands basic human decency for the prison system’s 7000 detainees, including 300 children. In Israel’s prisons, improved treatment for the imprisoned has only come through Statement of Solidarity for Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike

Join IJAN Bay Area in Oakland for our Liberation Seder

This April, as IJAN begins our second decade of organizing, we will continue one of our longest-standing traditions: Legacies of Resistance 2017 Community Passover Seder Dinner Saturday, April 15th, 5:30 PM Get your tickets at: $30 suggested ($10 – $118 sliding scale). Ticket includes entry, Seder dinner and donation to IJAN. All are welcome. No Join IJAN Bay Area in Oakland for our Liberation Seder

Jewish Anti-Zionism in the Year Ahead

With Trump in office we feel that organizing against Zionism is more important than ever. His administration reveals that antisemitism and Zionism feed off of each other and far from being a solution to anti-Semitism, Zionism leverages and needs it. We anticipate that the anti-Semitism of Trump’s administration will only give power to Zionism; supporting Jewish Anti-Zionism in the Year Ahead